👋 Hello! / 你好! / こんにちは! / 안녕하세요! / Bonjour! / Guten Tag! / Hola! / Ciao! / السلام عليكم!

I'm a sophomore Ph.D. student in Computer Science at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Prior to joining UIUC in 2023, I received my bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from UIUC and Zhejiang University with Summa Cum Laude.

I work as a member in UIUC DAIS Group (Specifically iDEA-iSAIL Group) with Prof. Jingrui He towards:

  • Learning on Graphs.
  • LLM-based Multi-agent Systems.
  • Multi-modality Generative Models.
  • AI Governance/Policy.
Feel free to drop an email: violet24k AT outlook DOT com, to discuss potential collaborations!

Semantic Scholar  /  Google Scholar  /  Github  /  Twitter  /  LinkedIn   

Zihao Li (李子豪)

"I believe we did."

📌 Pinned
    I am looking for a research internship for 2025 summer in the US and am interested to know any recruitment openings.
📣 News:
  • [Nov 2024] One paper accepted by KDD 2025.
  • [Sep 2024] One paper accepted by NeurIPS 2024.
  • [Apr 2024] Take a look at our KDD'24 survey regarding contrastive learning for foundation models.
  • [Mar 2024] I will join Microsoft Research Asia as a research intern this summer.
  • [Mar 2024] One paper accepted by SIGIR 2024.
  • [Aug 2023] Officially started my Ph.D. journal at UIUC CS. Let's go Illini!

"Nobody should escape our universities without knowing how little one knows."

Ph.D.          2023 - 2028 (expected)
                       University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
                       Department of Computer Science

B.S.              2019 - 2023 (double-degree)
                       University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
                       Computer Engineering, Summa Cum Laude

B.E.              2019 - 2023 (double-degree)
                       Zhejiang University (ZJU)
                       Electronic and Computer Engineering, National Scholarship receipient and Outstanding Graduate

"Why limit yourself to just one dogma?"

Microsoft Research Asia, Shanghai, China
Research Intern • Jun.-Sep. 2024
LLM & AI Agents, Shanghai AI/ML Group
Mentor: Dr. Kaitao Song

Teaching Assistant, UIUC and ZJU [expand]
Publications (*equal contribution)

"Genius is no guarantee of wisdom."


Open-sourced Projects

"Theory will only take you so far."


Cookbook of reproducibly training SOTA reward models.
Collborated with Wei Xiong and Prof. Tong Zhang.


Graph Self-Supervised Learning Toolkit.


Guide for international students to survive (cozily) at UIUC.

"Together, we can unlock the secrets of the natural world and build a better future for all."

Program Committee/Reviewer:
Journals: IEEE TKDE (2024)
2025: KDD (Excellent Reviewer), ICLR, ICASSP, AISTATS, ICML, IEEE IJCNN
2023: IEEE BigData

"It won't be for you, it would be for them."

  • Golub Endowment (one-year Ph.D. fellowship)
  • National Scholarship of China (top 0.2%, highest honor)
  • Zhejiang University Scholarship - First Prize (top 3%)
  • The Mathematical Contest in Modeling - Meritorious Winner (top 7%)
  • Provincial Government Scholarship of Zhejiang Province (top 3%)
  • Chinese Mathematical Olympiad - Bronze Medal

"Do not go gentle into that good night"

In my undergraduate years, I have fortunately collaborated with (alphabetically) Prof. Yan Chen (NWU, IL), Prof. Jingrui He (UIUC), Prof. Simon Hu (ZJU), Prof. Zuozhu Liu (ZJU), Prof. Klaus-Dieter Schewe (ZJU), Prof. Lav R. Varshney (UIUC). Many thanks to anyone who guided or helped me.

Also, I'm very thankful to the research interns that I have worked with:
Jingyuan Huang (Undergrad -> Ph.D@Rutgers CS)
Hengyu Liu (Undergrad -> Master@UIUC CS)
Jie Wang (Undergrad -> Master@UPenn)

I enjoy both watching and playing soccer⚽ (real "foot"ball) games. My squad number is 22 = 10(Attacking Midfielder) + 8(Central Midfielder or Box-to-Box Midfielder) + 4(Defensive Midfielder or Centre Back). I like frisbee🥏 as well.

I love Jazz and LoFi music🎧. I play the piano🎹 myself and am a big fan of ANIMENZ. I love Whiskey🥃 and used to bartend🍸 myself.

My Erdős number is 4 (Dr. Paul Erdős - Dr. Alexandr V. Kostochka - Dr. Jaehoon Kim - Dr. Hanghang Tong - Noob. Zihao Li).